Luke Michals

moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode

Mesh Background

April 07, 2021


I saw a cool website background once and I want to try and recreate it.


I could have sworn that I saw this background on the datadog homepage. It’s no longer there and I can’t find it in the waybackmachine. Oh well.

It kind of looked like the following image (source), but each point was undulating up and down.

a static image similar to the dynamic background



I LOVE react-three-fiber for projects like this. It gives you all of the 3D power of three.js with the ease of use and performance benefits of react.

Step 1 was to create a triangle. I also added some controls (pan, rotate, zoom) and grid helper.

I also added a click handler to show off the power of R3F (click on the triangle).

Animating a single point

This point follows a sinusoid. You can adjust the amplitude and frequency of the point using the sliders.

Animating few points

Nice, now we’re getting somewhere.

Points Mesh

Looking nice and wavy now.

I think that’s where I’m going to leave it for now. I’d highly recommend checking out R3F!


Luke Michals
Software Engineer • Burrito Enthusiast
Bitcoin • Web • 3D • Finance